Laura Lannes... Continue Reading
Archives: February 2016
Detox Your Life with Kombucha Tea
Soda is one of the leading beverages consumed in America, and with it’s high content sugar and caffeine it can cause some real health prob... Continue Reading
Exercise While You Wait
With the cold weather, it’s easy to be lazy about staying active when all you really want to do is curl up under a blanket and hibernate u... Continue Reading
Homemade is Better, with DIY Yogurt
With the growing trend for healthier lifestyle choices and organic foods, an obvious next step would be to make homemade foods. Homemade yog... Continue Reading
Fight with Everything You’ve Got!
The immune system is the first line of defense for the body fighting off the flu or common cold. During the winter months it becomes necessa... Continue Reading
Give up Meat, and Reap the Benefits!
I have been a pescetarian for seven years. The word might seem foreign, or even slightly religious, however all it means is that I follow a ... Continue Reading
There’s a Smart Way to have a Gluten-Free Lifestyle
At this point, everyone is familiar with the recent diet fad of going Gluten-Free. Individuals who suffer from celiac disease are unable to ... Continue Reading
What’s Your Blood Type?
I recently found out my blood type, AB negative, the rarest in the world with less than 1% of the population sharing this type with me. Howe... Continue Reading
Cartoon of the Week
... Continue Reading
The American Gladiator
An American institution, it’s hard to imagine Sundays without football, but what is the cost of our entertainment? It’s more than the mi... Continue Reading
Cartoon of the Week
Laura Lannes... Continue Reading
Yoga; Not just for Exercise
By Amanda Barclay Yoga can change your physical and mental capacity quickly, while preparing the mind and body for long-term health. Yog... Continue Reading
Kickin’ A** and Gettin’ Trim
By Amanda Barclay I have decided to write about this topic because for the past month I have enrolled in a kickboxing class. I have seen ... Continue Reading
A Balancing Act: Work and Life
By Amanda Barclay Work and family circumstances vary with every person. For example: how to juggle your kids with their in-school and out... Continue Reading
The Opportunity for Expansion on the Physical/Occupational Therapy Front
There are several options for Physical Therapist or Occupational Therapists to serve in the military. Therapists can choose active duty, and... Continue Reading